Using same pattern as before (Haven’t had time to make other kinds except this type) but with different colors and customizations ^^
Bronzy. Also, pants, so I can post this publicly x)
Customization example; It’s actually not as massive as it seems, it’s just the camera effect, but a lot bigger muzzle, shorter back spikes, longer facial spikes :3
Inward tapering back spikes, smaller facial spikes, more arcing muzzle line. No upper lip curve. Lower nose. Kinda bird like x)
Thicker back spikes, more tapered outwards, thicker face spikes that are tapered inwards. Smaller muzzle, no upper lip curve.
Thinner back spikes, longer but thinner face spikes, very thin nose line, longer chin. Also kinda poisonous colors ^^
This is basically the “starting” shape of the character (untextured). The generic ^^
Here’s one with shorter and thicker back spikes that are tapered inwards, little bit inward curving face spikes, muzzle line that arcs outwards, bigger nose, more gaunt on cheeks, no upper lip curve, and more chin curve ^^
Here’s a bit weird combo maybe, but long and thin back spikes, long and thin outward curving face spikes, more detached muzzle, smaller and lower nose, no chin “spike”, and rounder cheeks xD
Do note that textures for this head still makes the nose details pop out, it doesn’t fully hide it even though it’s not visible here ^^
Thicker, shorter, and inward tapering back spikes, thicker and smaller face spikes, more detached muzzle ^^
As mentioned in beginning; These are all still using the same pattern, and while colors can be switched, they basically still have the color style with the middle stripe, and how colors on the body are mixed ^^
With luv,